Under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA), VHB has developed management plans (Comprehensive River Management Plans, or CRMPs) and conducted National Environmental Policy Act reviews for multiple rivers in California. CRMPs, required under the WSRA, are an important tool for agencies to manage and protect water quality, free flow, and outstandingly remarkable values along river corridors. Working with local leaders across the Forest Service’s Region 5, VHB’s team of specialists, ranging from recreation capacity specialists to hydrologists to tribal liaisons, has worked closely with the San Bernardino National Forest, the Inyo National Forest, and the Sand to Snow National Monument, as well as the Bureau of Land Management’s California Desert District Office and Ridgecrest Field Office. CRMPs and Environmental Assessments have been completed or are under way for eight rivers, totaling nearly 135 miles across the mountains and deserts of California.
Wild and Scenic River Planning

USDA Forest Service
Comprehensive Plans
Cultural Preservation Planning
Natural Resource Assessment & Analysis
NEPA Documentation & Analysis
Public Outreach