President & CEO Mike Carragher Shares Perspectives on The Purposeful Strategist Podcast

Carragher covers strategic planning, career development, culture, and preparing VHB and the industry for future challenges.

May 25, 2023

Mike Carragher smiling and sitting in front of a computer.

VHB President and CEO Mike Carragher explored various topics on The Purposeful Strategist Podcast—from strategic planning and preparing to be future ready, to initiatives around strengthening company culture, career growth, leadership, and employee ownership at VHB.



Mike describes multiple elements needed to create the conditions for continued success in a rapidly changing world. He talks about the preparation they undertake so they can develop an effective strategy, the way they grow their future business leaders, and how they are helping enable their industry to have an even bigger impact in solving the significant problems we collectively face.

The Purposeful Strategist
