Merrimack Valley Reliability Project

New Hampshire & Massachusetts

Over the last several years, meeting southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts energy needs has been a priority for the regional grid operator due to an anticipated energy demand increase in response to business growth within the region. The Merrimack Valley Reliability Project (MVRP) is a 24.5-mile transmission line continuation developed to improve the flexibility and resiliency of the region’s electric grid. Designed to use existing transmission corridors to minimize impacts on the environment, the MVRP included construction of 175 new structures between Tewksbury, Massachusetts, and Londonderry, New Hampshire, that will provide more reliable and cost-efficient energy services to local users.

VHB supported the project goals by providing siting and licensing, environmental assessment, permitting, survey, mitigation design and construction compliance services.

A power truck installs new electric power poles. Electric lines travel across wetlands in New Hampshire.


  • Eversource

  • National Grid


  • Environmental Compliance

  • Environmental Services

  • Land Survey

  • Permitting

  • Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys
