Albany Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study

Albany, NY

For the City of Albany, in association with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the New York State Department of Transportation, VHB prepared the Albany Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study. This plan assessed opportunities for the city to support the increase in electric vehicle (EV) use throughout the Capital District; identified criteria for strategic placement of charging infrastructure; identified policies and regulations for EV-friendly zoning, infrastructure and technology; provided a thorough review of best practices and their applicability to Albany; and recommended optimal locations for siting charging stations, as well as incorporating EVs into the city’s municipal fleet.

The results of this study, including both policy and programmatic recommendations, provided the city with the necessary framework to promote EV use in Albany and the Capital Region. In addition, the study included information on EV use and demand, existing charging infrastructure, best practices on becoming an EV-ready city, and a checklist for readiness that could be used by other municipalities to support EVs.

Electric vehicles plugged into charging stations along a city street.


  • City of Albany


  • Community Sustainability Planning

  • Feasibility Study/Due Diligence

  • Funding Research & Application Support

  • Sustainability

Charging station for electric cars in the background of a gas station.