Orange County Vision Zero Action Plan

Orange County, FL

MetroPlan Orlando (MetroPlan) secured a $3.8 million federal Safe Streets for All (SS4A) grant to address serious safety concerns in their three-county service area, with the goal of reducing pedestrian and bicycle fatalities and injuries and creating safer roads for both the 2.2 million residents and 75 million tourists who visit Central Florida annually. These funds are being utilized to create a Regional Vision Zero Safety Action Plan and to develop plans for Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties and 21 municipalities within MetroPlan’s service area. MetroPlan selected VHB as General Planning Consultant to lead the Vision Zero Safety Action Plan development for Orange County. VHB’s local knowledge and application of the national Safe System Approach will help the County develop innovative, data-informed ideas and effective guidance to help move the needle on safety by carrying out all aspects of the SS4A grant.

VHB kicked-off the project with engagement in Fall 2023, involving a County steering committee and stakeholders, such as law enforcement, FDOT, and local bicycling and walking advocacy groups, to help guide plan development and act as a sounding board. VHB is focusing on comprehensive policy reviews to help identify opportunities and barriers to Vision Zero, tailoring mitigation measures for roadway and intersection safety, design, and operations in Orange County. VHB will help the County prioritize safety projects with an emphasis on underserved areas and disadvantaged communities, and plan for implementation that elevates sustainability, context sensitive design, capital improvements, budgetary decision-making, and policy and legislative actions.

A pedestrian walks on a subdivision sidewalk near a pedestrian crossing sign. A group of people working around a conference table.


  • MetroPlan Orlando


  • Master Planning Services

  • Pedestrian Safety Studies

  • Public Outreach

  • Public Process

  • Safety
