VHB assisted the George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC) and the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) with developing a winning application for a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Planning and Demonstration Grant totaling approximately $145,000.
Awarded in 2024, this essential funding will help the organizations conduct road safety audits (RSA) for key strategic corridors in their region. These corridors were identified as part of a previous SS4A-funded action plan that VHB supported. The GWRC Safety Action Plan (SAP) was built off the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, which frames major safety issues and identifies strategies to address them.
The GWRC SAP prioritizes low-cost, high-impact strategies, with a focus on underserved communities and a particular emphasis on active mobility users—people walking, rolling, and bicycling. VHB supported GWRC and FAMPO to identify priority projects for implementation in each of the five member jurisdictions in the GWRC region and prepared cost estimates for each project to prepare for future funding opportunities.