As part of the Town of Killington’s master planning efforts, VHB prepared a transportation scoping study for the entire 3.6-mile length of Killington Road. The goal of the study was to identify a preferred alternative for the reconstruction of Killington Road, encompassing new pathways and sidewalks, enhanced transit access, and controlled driveway access. The study guided Killington in establishing a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district. Upon completion of the study, VHB was tasked with engineering design and permitting for the initial one-mile Phases 1A and 1B segments.
Additionally, VHB helped secure $25 million in 2024 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant funding for Phases 2 through 4, which covered the remaining portions of the road. VHB handled the RAISE grant application, developing detailed merit criteria, budget, and project readiness narratives and a thorough benefit-cost analysis—all essential for application success.
The improvements to Killington Road support anticipated growth at Killington Ski Resort’s Village. VHB is guiding the re-routing of the roadway, the main artery to the resort, by incorporating 2.7 miles of shared-use paths, 1.4 miles of new sidewalks, intersection reconstructions, a new two-lane roundabout, and extensive road re-profiling. These improvements align with the resort's master planning and transit access efforts and aim to boost multimodal connectivity and pedestrian access to Killington Village.
The project prioritizes environmental sustainability, with measures to treat 100 percent of stormwater, enabling Killington Road to meet future demands while enhancing the town’s connectivity. VHB’s environmental support includes a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessment, National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 compliance, natural resources assessments, and extensive permitting, including Vermont’s Act 250, stream alteration, state and federal wetlands, Operational and Construction Stormwater, and VTrans Section 1111 Access permits.